Seven years ago today we accidentally started Little Hill Sanctuary.❤️

Many of you may know Lambert and know this little dwarf sheep’s story. My partner and I had just moved out to some acreage in the country and we stopped by a yard sale on the way to the hardware store. And there was Lambert. This adorable tiny ram so full of life. And on his way to the auction to be sold for slaughter. We took one look at him and knew we could not let that happen. But what did we know about caring for a sheep? Absolutely nothing. 
So we drove off leaving Lambert behind. But as we returned home our hearts were breaking and I was sobbing. We looked at each other and knew what we had to do. We turned our truck around and brought Lambert home. We started reaching out to sanctuaries but they were all full or unable to take on an intact ram. When folks heard Lambert’s story they began reaching out to us about so many animals in need. We rescued a few goats, an unwanted pot belly pig, and a whole lot of backyard chickens. 

We started reaching out to other rescuers and vets and sanctuaries. And we learned how to properly feed and house and care for farmed animals. Then one day seven years ago we decided yes we were really going to do this and became Little Hill Sanctuary home to more than 100 animals rescued from abuse, neglect, and slaughter. I love you Lambert. This is all for you.

We have been through so much in the past seven years. From pandemics to floods and being surrounded by wildfires on all sides. I cannot say it has been easy but we have made it through because of you. And because of you we have saved hundreds and hundreds of lives in just seven short years. Can we raise $700 today to celebrate seven years of Little Hill Sanctuary saving lives like Lambert?